Dan and Wendy are the absolute definition of couple goals. But it wasn’t until they posted an anniversary picture that they realized just exactly what type of couple they truly are.

The two already had quite a high online presence from their jobs, but the reaction they got from this picture was much different than anything they had ever expected. It took them a while to comprehend the reactions from their fans, but at the end of it all, they couldn’t have been more grateful to find out just what everyone thinks.
Taking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Each Other
Dan and Wendy have been together for a decade now. They are both health and fitness advocates. The two are strong believers in doing what’s good and healthy for your mind, body, and soul. And by taking care of themselves, they’ve learned how to take care of each other, as a couple.

But after recently posting a 10-year-anniversary picture, the two of them realized something that they never saw before.
Wendy’s Path to Health and Wellness
Dan and Wendy weren’t always Instafamous. In fact, they actually met far before social media started to bloom and boom. But health and wellness were always something on their radar, even before they met.
Wendy actually studied her Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a specialization and focus in health case. She decided to go down this path when she realized that diets and weight loss trends were just fads and don’t work as a lifestyle.

It was important for her to find something that made her feel good on both the outside and the inside.
Dan’s Path to Health and Wellness
While Wendy was off studying her Master’s degree, Dan was on his own path to figuring out the best health and wellness regime for himself.
It all started in college when he joined the basketball team. From there he spent years as an athlete, learning all the ins and outs of health and fitness first hand.

After discovering that this was his passion, he studied for a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. He loved how good it felt to be happy with his lifestyle. Which later inspired him to help people reach their fitness and weight loss goals in the healthiest way possible.
2006: A Time When Facebook Was Just Developing
The two found passion in the same subject, but on their own paths. How did they end up meeting though?
Basically, back in 2006, the two met on Facebook during college when the platform was geared more towards meeting people, specifically guys meeting girls.

One night Dan was sitting in front of the computer, going through friends of friends an
d trying to find girls that looked interested to him.
Messaging Wendy for the First Time
Upon skimming through some friends of friends on his Facebook adventure, he spotted Wendy. He thought she looked so beautiful and fun, and decided to send a message to her via Facebook.
As soon as she saw the message, her immediate thoughts were, “I don’t know you, I did not trust the internet, people from the internet… but he was still cute.”
As Dan and Wendy explained on their video STORY TIME: HOW WE MET, back then, meeting people on the internet was still quite taboo, especially in the early years of Facebook. So, she decided to confide in her friend, Daphne.

But what Daphne had to say about Dan was something she never would have expected.
“D” is for Determined
When Wendy shared with her friend Daphne that some guy named “Dan Hennessey” messaged her on Facebook, Daphne couldn’t believe who he was once she saw his pictures.
It looks like the same evening he had also messaged Daphne – whoops! So, at that point, Wendy thought for sure she won’t be responding to his message.